3 Tips for Winter Running + Under Armour eCard Giveaway

Happy Thanksgiving week friends! I spent a few holiday days with my family here in Chicago cooking my first turkey dinner at home. I’m headed to Iowa today to visit more family and hang out with my little nephews for the weekend, so I’ll be traveling instead of shopping Black Friday this year. If you’re in the same boat, I have a great giveaway to share for a $280 Under Armour eCard that will get you in the holiday shopping spirit! Enter via Rafflecopter at the end of this post. This giveaway is open until December 17. {Note: This giveaway has ended}

I wish I was eligible to win this giveaway myself, because it’s a great time of year to stock up on winter training gear. Winter can be a challenging time for runners, myself included. Fall is my favorite season for outdoor training, so when the days turn chillier and dark afternoons become the norm, I need extra motivation to keep running until spring. I have 3 Tips for Winter Running to share tonight that will help you prepare to run during the busy holiday season and the winter months to come.

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Winter Tip 1 – Be Prepared

I have some favorite gear that keeps me running outdoors as long as possible. Having warm winter gear that isn’t too bulky is essential.

Stay warm with:
A running scarf. A good running scarf is lightweight, but it still covers your neck all the way around.

    Touch gloves. These gloves are extremely functional, allowing you to adjust your music as needed without exposing your hands to the cold.

      Wool socks. Wool is a great way to stay warm. These running socks will keep your feet cozy but are sleek enough for your foot to fit into your shoe.

        A headband. A good headband gives your ears full coverage without overheating your head on those long runs.

          Running tights. This may be the most important piece of winter gear! Warm running tights will keep your legs from freezing on chilly days.

            A thin down vest. A vest is a great piece of winter gear because of its flexibility. It will keep your core warm no matter the temperature.

              Winter Tip 2 – Learn to Love the Treadmill

              I’m an outdoor runner through and through, but on dark evenings and snowy or ice-covered days, you will find me indoors on a treadmill. It’s not my preferred way to get miles in, but I have easy treadmill access at my workplace gym and I keep things interesting by creating new treadmill workouts every week.
              My current favorite treadmill workout:
              • Warm-up by walking for two minutes at 3.1 miles per hour.
              • Run at a comfortable (slower) speed and increase by 0.1 mph every half mile.
              • Take a one-minute walking break every 2 miles if you need it.
              I usually start this treadmill run at 5.7 mph and aim to finish after reaching 4 miles. If you get bored easily, change the speed every quarter mile instead of at the half-mile mark. Switching the speed of the treadmill at various intervals makes the miles fly by. I also entertain myself by listening to happy tunes and interesting podcasts {I’m currently into Undisclosed}. Check out a few more of my favorite treadmill workouts here.
              Winter Tip 3 – Participate in Holiday Races

              The most exciting way to keep running this winter is by participating in a running challenge or local holiday race. Logging workouts and staying accountable is the best motivator for me during chilly months. Last year I was a team captain for the Nike+ Chiberia Challenge in Chicago. Five teams of 15 runners each competed to run 70 miles {per person!} over 13 days. My team didn’t win, but we completed the challenge and I finished the miles one day early! This year, I’m registered for two holiday races – the Santa Hustle 5k on December 5 and Rudolph Ramble 8k on December 13. Winter or holiday-themed races are a great way to keep yourself motivated. It’s much easier to run outside in 20-degree weather and snow on the ground with hundreds of running friends and a clear finish line.
              Onto the Black Friday Giveaway – I teamed up with a group of my favorite fitness bloggers to offer this amazing holiday giveaway. Entries are open until December 17. One winner will receive a $280 Under Armour eCard! Winning this eCard would be a wonderful way to buy a gift for a fitness-loving friend or family member, or a treat for yourself. Enter via the Rafflecopter link below.

              a Rafflecopter giveaway

              Terms & Conditions: This giveaway opens on 11/27/15 and ends on 12/17/15. It is open to the residents of the United States only. There will be 1 winner of $280 eCard. Winners must be 18 years or older to win. Winners must complete all entries to be entered to win. The Frugal Exerciser will choose a winner no later than 12/18/15 via Rafflecopter. The entries will be verified and the winner will be contacted via email. The winner has 48 hours to respond and claim prize. If the winner doesn’t claim prize within 48 hours their prize will be forfeit and a new winner will be chosen. By entering this giveaway you are abiding by all laws and regulations in your country.

              {A version of the 3 Tips for Winter Running post was originally published on the NBC Chicago Stride blog in December 2014. Chicago Jogger was a regular contributor to NBC Stride until the blog ended publication in spring 2015.}

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