Tag: running

Runner Advice: How do you fuel before a race?

Runner Advice: How do you fuel before a race?

This post includes ideas on how to fuel before a race. My pre-race meal is always a slice of toast + almond butter + banana + coffee + plenty of water. For years I haven’t changed this breakfast combination on race days. I asked this question of fellow running and fitness bloggers, and to my surprise everyone had a different answer! As we get into running and racing season again in Chicago and elsewhere, this is the perfect time to come up with new ideas for running fuel.

Angela blogs at Cowgirl Runs: I start off with a cup of coffee (we all know why) and I’ll eat either a bagel or 2 Eggo waffles (super classy, I know! but they’re easy to digest) with PB about 2 hours before the start of the race. Once I get to the race, right before I drop my bag, I’ll have my Vega Pre-Workout Energizer, which is usually 15-30 minutes before. Occasionally, I’ll take a gel at the start if it’s been a long time since I ate, but it depends on the day.

Laura blogs at this runner’s recipes: Blueberry Pie Oatmeal is a great pre-run meal that’s full of carbs and gentle on the stomach.

 {Image via this runner’s recipes}

Jessica blogs at The Wheezy Runner: I can’t eat in the morning, even for races! I’ve been known to drink a cup of coffee and stash a bagel in my pocket on the way out of the house and slowly eat it to the start line.

Nicole blogs at Fitful Focus: I’m all about oatmeal! This is one of my favorite recipes {Pumpkin Maple Bacon Oatmeal}:

{Image via Fitful Focus}

Kathryn blogs at From Dancing to Running: I always eat a peanut butter sandwich and a banana before a race, along with lots of water. Its worked for awhile now, and if it ain’t broke, no point in fixing it! 

Kelly blogs at Tasting Page: I call these Protein Packed Energy Bites and love them before/after a workout.

{Image via Tasting Page}

Janice blogs at Fitness Cheerleader: I eat a boston cream donut before every race in the hopes that it’s the secret fuel to help me qualify for Boston. 

Lindsay blogs at Itz Linz: A Blueberry Oatmeal Smoothie by Runner’s World.

{Image via Itz Linz}

Kaila blogs at Healthy Helper: These [No-Bake Banana Nut Vegan Protein Bars] taste like freshly baked banana bread without even having to turn on the oven. They are dense, soft, and naturally sweet without any added sugar. I love the different textures from the chewy oats and the crunchy nuts. 

{Image via Healthy Helper}

Lastly, here are a few other resources on running fuel from bloggers:

How to Fuel for a Marathon – the Runner Beans
Fueling with Real Food – Vegas Mother Runner
The Importance of Fueling Properly – Miss Wheezy 

What do YOU eat before a race?