Tag: running

8 Weeks to 8k

8 Weeks to 8k

An 8 week running plan to prepare for an 8k road race, with the goal of running three days per week.

It’s Groundhog Day! In case you haven’t heard, Phil saw his shadow this morning. The rodent predicts six more weeks of winter.

I’m not going to complain because it has been quite a mild winter here so far, all things considered. Chicago got less than an inch of snow in January. I’m hopeful this continues, especially to start running again. I’m running the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8k race on April 2. For me this race kicks off the “running season” in Chicago. I posted a running plan for this race in 2015 – 4 Weeks to Shamrock Shuffle. The 2016 Shamrock Shuffle race is the first {and last} race that I ran while expecting. I’m excited to get out there and race it again this year! 2017 will be my sixth Shamrock Shuffle race.

My 8 week running plan:

Week 1: Run 3; Run 2; Run 2.5

Week 2: Run 3; Run 3.5; Run 2.5

Week 3: Run 3; Run 3.5; Run 2.5

Week 4: Run 4 {long}; Run 3.5; Run 3

Week 5: Run 5 {long}; Run 3.5; Run 3

Week 6: Run 6 {long}; Run 4; Run 3

Week 7: Run 5 {long}; Run 3.5; Run 4

Week 8: Run 4; Run 3.5; 8k race!

I’m starting slow with low miles to ease back into running on a regular basis. I’m going to do my best to fit in 3 runs per week, recognizing that it may be difficult with Baby C at home.

Previous Shamrock Shuffle race posts:

4 Weeks to Shamrock Shuffle

Interview with Elite Runner Alexi Pappas

2016 Shamrock Shuffle Race Recap

2015 Shamrock Shuffle Race Recap {NBC Chicago Stride blog}

2014 Shamrock Shuffle Race Recap