Category: running; challenge; holidays; workout

Holiday Running Challenge.

Holiday Running Challenge.

Last year, I posted a Winter Running Challenge with the goal of running 100 miles in ten weeks, ending on New Years Eve 2013. I squeaked by with just over 100 miles, with my final run on the last day of the year. Ten miles per week may not seem like a lot, but 2013 was the first year I managed to run consistently over the winter months. Many of those miles were run on a treadmill, and there were weeks when I ran considerably less than average due to vacation, sickness, and busy nights.

My struggle every winter is getting the miles in and enjoying it. I love to run outside and it’s tough for me to stay motivated in an overheated gym, waiting in line for a treadmill. Heading home after work and drinking hot cider generally sounds much more appealing.

This year I’m pushing the weekly average mileage slightly higher. Since I focused on training for the Hot Chocolate 15k up until last week, I decided to try something different – a shorter time period for the challenge, and more focus on motivation. What motivates you to run, practice yoga, or complete whatever fitness activity is your jam? I’m going to focus on one thing each week that’s motivating – and stock up on better outdoor running gear so I can jog outside when feasible {I’m giving the Polar Vortex a side eye right now}.

I’ll post an update every Monday on progress from the previous week. Comment if you’d like to join on your own challenge this season!